Non-profit organisation EYES OF LIGHT - ARTS IN HEALTH HUB
What makes us stand out
We realize projects that bring together contemporary artists with patients and survivors, with the aim of encouraging them and eliminating stigma
We create contemporary art programs and art workshops specifically designed for healthcare facilities
To improve the emotional welfare and the patients’ quality of life
To reduce stigmatization and fear associated with illness and its representation
To cultivate more inclusiveness in our society and our culture
To sensitize the public and promote extroversion and social coherence between patients and non-patients
Beneficiaries’ testimonials
Πιστεύω ότι πήρα πολλά πράγματα, ψυχικά, από την ομάδα μας. Περάσαμε όμορφες στιγμές, άλλες με δάκρυα και άλλες με χαμόγελα. Μέσα από το κοινό βίωμα με τις υπόλοιπες κοπέλες, είδα ότι δεν πρέπει να φοβάμαι για αυτό που μου συνέβη. Οι κοπέλες και η δασκάλα μας με την καθοδήγησή της, μου έδειξαν τον δρόμο και μου έδωσαν τη δύναμη για να πάω ένα βήμα πιο μπροστά. Όχι ότι έφυγε εντελώς ο φόβος, κάποιες στιγμές επανέρχεται, αλλά πλέον μπορώ να τον διαχειριστώ σε μεγάλο βαθμό και να βρω το θετικό μέσα από αυτόν…
Σίγουρα βγήκα πιο δυνατή και είμαι ΥΠΕΡΗΦΑΝΗ που τα κατάφερα. Ένα μεγάλο ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ…
One of the things that I will keep from my experience in this team, is that we should enjoy our life as much as possible, just like children, when playing in a park. This life has many wonderful moments, either smaller, or bigger and we shouldn't let them slip away. No matter what. These moments make our lives beautiful. This is the most valuable lesson I learned through our photographs and the emotions that each one of us shared. I thank you all for that lesson!
This activity was EXCELLENT, like all of Eyes of Light activities. I feel very happy participating in your programs. Every time an activity ends, I am looking forward to the next one. I thank you from the bottom of my soul.
In our common journey, with photography as our vehicle, we shared thoughts and unlocked emotions. Unique experience, in the spirit of trust and mutual support. Thanks!
The sharing of our experiences that somewhere, somehow, may or may not have met, the truths that were hidden and revealed in the photos, the world through the eyes of each one of us and the constant “push” for creativity, worked really therapeutically for me. I’m keeping the feeling of anticipation and creativity, the discretion and safety of the group as a reminder of optimism and a life with more “clicks” from here and on…
Θεραπευτική Φωτογραφία από τη Δ.Ε.: Ένα ταξίδι έμπνευσης, κινητοποίησης, έκπληξης, μοιράσματος. Μια ενδιαφέρουσα συνάντηση με εκλεκτές προσωπικότητες, μια συνύπαρξη με άνοιγμα ψυχής. Ένα ταξίδι στο ανείπωτο, στο όνειρο… Ένα μαργαριτάρι καλά φυλαγμένο στο βυθό της ψυχής μου.
This seminar was a beacon within the darkness of my life.
I met and communicated with people with whom I shared the most difficult and bloodiest conditions I was experiencing at that time.
I think that this communication is something different - maybe even more than friendship. It’s touching the soul. This is what I keep.
Additionally, I learned that photography is not just an image printed on paper, or something that appears with the push of a button… It can be a vision, an emotion, a way of expression, a testament of the soul, a means of communication…
Monday, the day of the Group, a day of rebirth, a day full of aromas from many corners of our country. A dive into a cool sea, while in a furnace of thoughts and wounds that burn the body!!! This team can help its most vulnerable members, until they strengthen their own wings, to fly again against the wind if necessary!!!
I wish that the Eyes of Light Team will always be a beacon for all those, who in the journey of their lives were forced to go through storms!!! Thanks for the light.
Through this journey with you, I discovered aspects of myself that I did not know. I learned to love myself more!!! I learned to express my feelings through a photo, to create a story and to get lost inside it. The group motivated me to mobilize myself… I felt free to express myself!!! This trip was magical for me. We did not know each other, we shared our stories, we expressed our fears, we shared our worries, we rejoiced in the successes of others. We lived beautiful moments, we laughed, we cried, we connected and we became a strong fist against that (cancer) which united us… Thank you for meeting you… I hope we do not get lost...
End and Beginning. Just before we say goodbye, I would like to thank everyone for participating in the sharing of stories, emotions, images, and colors. I believe that through this process, I took time to journey within myself, to discover and realize things about myself and those around me. I felt that on this inner journey, I had companionship, acceptance, and willing listeners to share ideas, knowledge, and emotions with me. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
How blessed I feel to be here, while in the most difficult, the most uncertain, the most painful period of my life! How rich I became with all the sharing, hugs, laughs, and tears! M., X., S., E., T., D., E., A., G., D. … You are a precious treasure for me! Each one separately is like a pearl… all together, the most beautiful, the most precious gift I have received while in this challenge of mine!!!
Thank you for the trips we made together… the power that has generously been shared within this family is indescribable… I’m grateful!!!
Η συμμετοχή μου στην ομάδα φωτογραφίας ήταν καθοριστική για να πάρω δύναμη και να συνεχίσω με αισιοδοξία τον αγώνα μου. Μέχρι τότε ήμουν μόνη σε όλο αυτό το ταξίδι του καρκίνου, αλλά μόλις ξεκίνησε η επαφή μου με την ομάδα, βρήκα άλλους 12 φίλους που με ένιωθαν και μου έδιναν κουράγιο. Μοιράστηκαν μαζί μου τις ιστορίες και τα συναισθήματά τους και είμαι ευγνώμων γι’ αυτό. Σας ευχαριστώ όλους καθώς και το Eyes of Light που ενώνει τις ζωές μας!
The deepest words of our soul were heard through our images. Every story was a life lesson for me! I identified and shared my own story, the acceptance and understanding I received, filled me with joy and hope!! Thank you so much for our creative meetings!!!
From our beautiful journey through photography, I learned to find beauty even where it does not exist - all it takes is to change our perspective!! Beautiful moments of sharing and support in a journey that has just ended… I feel immense gratitude for what we experienced!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
In this group, through exercises of photographic introspection, we shared deep thoughts, anxieties, desires, and frustrations, we strengthened each other, and as a group we tried to finally see the bright side of things. Our souls flew. The journey is over. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey.
Thanks for this trip.
Love, positive energy, friendship, sharing, gratitude, inspiration, mutual respect, encouragement, trust, mutual understanding, empathy.
Within the cocoon of this group, we expressed our fears, worries, insecurities, weaknesses and strengths. I’m keeping the power of teamwork, my gratitude and faith in our team. I learned to appreciate myself, I learned that photography is not just about an image, it is the soul and the feeling of the moment. I received honesty, companionship, warmth, strength, and hope.
The way I see myself has changed. I became a member of the team, and I saw my life as part of a whole, and not as a unit struggling on its own. Searching through my photos, I met a person with strength, courage, and a love for life. I feel that in our team, I experienced a cycle of introspection. Now, I will keep that brighter person, and continue my life with self-esteem, self-protection, and self-care.
Ευγνωμοσύνη! Αυτή η λέξη γεμίζει το στήθος και το στόμα μου. Γιατί γνώρισα υπέροχες γυναίκες και ξανάνιωσα εμπιστοσύνη που την είχα χάσει πολύ καιρό πριν. Και με αυτή την εμπιστοσύνη, ανοίχτηκα, μίλησα και ήρθα ένα βήμα πιο κοντά σε εσάς αλλά και σε εμένα, στο ποια είμαι πραγματικά και άντεξα να δω εσάς και εμένα κατάματα και έτσι ακούμπησα το τραύμα μου και αυτό ήταν απελευθερωτικό. Τι ταξίδι… Σας ευχαριστώ από την καρδιά μου.
An introspection into our deepest (and to some extent unknown) emotions, such as acceptance, forgiveness, care, reward, boundaries, sorrow, anger, joy, etc. came to “unlock” the darkest feelings and thoughts “bequeathed” to us by our illness. It pushed us to go out (literally and figuratively) to nature, to friends, to society.
It has offered me - in a very short time - much more than what I expected in terms of positive thinking and creativity.
I managed to penetrate my innermost self. To love her, to forgive her, to caress her, to scratch her. And finally to discover her little by little… This journey you offered me was a great one.
The photography class was a light in the dark… The process of thinking and expressing artistically and symbolically, thoughts, fears, hopes, truths was very creative, it took me out of my “shell” so that I could finally fly in the sky.
I discovered a new world. Without realizing it, I began to see the beauty next to me, to focus on it much more often, every day, in all my activities. I met great people and shared thoughts and feelings with them. It was a happy, colorful journey to beautiful “places”, to “places” of healing that exuded caring, tenderness, kindness, and a sweet warmth.
The joy of creation motivated me to be active, but at the same time it oriented me more and more towards the light, the hope and optimism that I needed so much… I was able to dream and make my reality more bearable. Over time, I realized various elements of my character and I saw myself with a different set of eyes, so that I finally acknowledged myself.
A fantastic program with respect, honesty and love!
The joy of creation motivates you… Eyes of Light is an active community that fills you with light, hope and optimism!
Whoever can attend the workshop, rush! The work is done excellently, truly therapeutic!
My participation in that group made me feel how valuable our fight is since we got sick.
A true testimony of the soul through pictures, the most interesting experience I have ever attended.
An unexpected journey of Dream and Life which I had never considered doing!
As a non-profit organization, we rely on fundings and donations for the implementation of our programs which are offered for free. Please help us fulfill our mission by making a donation through PayPal or credit card.